Sales Leads: Your Key to Revenue Kingdom

Discover the importance of data accuracy in sales leads and how Infotelligent's real-time validation leads the charge.

Are you tired of chasing dead-end leads that seem to go nowhere? Frustrated with the lack of quality prospects for your sales and marketing efforts? It's time to reignite your revenue engine with the power of sales leads. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of sales leads, exploring what makes a good lead, the challenges faced by sales and marketing teams, and why accuracy is the name of the game. Plus, we'll introduce you to a game-changer in the field, Infotelligent, and why it stands head and shoulders above the rest.

What’s a good sales lead?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let's define what a good sales lead should look like. A good sales lead isn't just a name on a list; it's a potential customer who is not only interested in your product or service but is also more likely to convert into a paying customer. 

According to research, only 27% of leads are actually sales-ready, emphasizing the importance of quality over quantity.

In a survey conducted by HubSpot, 61% of marketers stated that generating traffic and leads was their top marketing challenge. This underscores the value of identifying and nurturing quality sales leads.

Problems faced by Sales and Marketing teams with sales leads

Sales and marketing teams often find themselves wrestling with a variety of issues when it comes to sales leads. One of the biggest headaches is data accuracy. Imagine reaching out to a prospect only to find that their contact information is outdated or, worse, incorrect. A whopping 94% of businesses suspect that their customer and prospect data is inaccurate, costing them an average of 12% of their revenue. Ouch!

Sales leads and data accuracy - Are you one of them?

  • 94% of companies suspect that their customer and prospect data is inaccurate. (Experian Data Quality)
  • Inaccurate data costs businesses an average of 12% of their revenue. (Gartner)
  • Companies lose an estimated $3.1 trillion per year due to poor data quality. (Harvard Business Review)

How do bad sales leads affect a company's revenues?

The impact of bad sales leads on revenue can be brutal. It leads to wasted time and resources as your teams chase unresponsive or irrelevant prospects. Moreover, it damages your brand's reputation, as potential customers get frustrated with unsolicited and irrelevant communication. In the end, it's your bottom line that takes the biggest hit, with revenue slipping through your fingers.

According to a report by, 50% of sales time is wasted on unproductive prospecting. This wasted time translates into a direct hit on your company's bottom line.

Wasted sales time and revenue loss - Sounds familiar?

  • 50% of sales time is wasted on unproductive prospecting. (
  • Companies with accurate and complete customer data are 35% more profitable than those without. (Nucleus Research)

Why is the accuracy of sales leads very important?

Contact data accuracy isn't just a nice-to-have; it's the lifeblood of your sales and marketing efforts. Accurate data ensures that your messages reach the right people at the right time. In fact, companies that maintain the accuracy of their customer data see an average 66% higher conversion rate. That's real money in your pocket.

Data accuracy and conversion rates:

  • Companies that maintain the accuracy of their customer data see an average 66% higher conversion rate. (DemandGen Report)
  • 40% of marketers believe that data quality is the most challenging obstacle to effective lead generation. (Experian Data Quality)

Where can you find good sales leads?

Now that we've established the importance of good sales leads, where can you find them? The Internet is a goldmine of potential leads. Social media platforms, industry-specific forums, and business directories are great places to start. (But why spend hours digging when you can turn to Infotelligent? 😉)

Here are a few sources of accurate sales leads:

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a treasure trove of B2B leads. You can use advanced search filters to target specific industries, job titles, company sizes, and locations. Joining relevant groups and engaging with potential leads can also be fruitful.

Data Providers: Consider reputable data providers that offer comprehensive B2B contact databases. Be sure to choose providers with a strong track record for data accuracy. Well, Infotelligent is a B2B contact data platform known for its real-time verification and high data accuracy.

Trade Shows and Events: Attend industry-specific trade shows and events, or even virtual conferences. These events are an excellent way to network and gather contact information from professionals interested in your industry.

Business Directories: Websites like Yellow Pages and Manta provide directories of businesses with contact information. Be sure to verify the data for accuracy. You can also list on Infotelligent’s business directory.

Industry-specific Forums and Communities: Participate in online forums and communities related to your industry. Engage in discussions, answer questions, and connect with potential leads who share your interests.

Referrals: Word of mouth can be a powerful lead-generation tool. Ask satisfied customers and business partners for referrals.

Webinars and Workshops: Host webinars or workshops on topics relevant to your industry. Require registration to attend, which will allow you to capture lead information.

Content Marketing: Create valuable and informative content on your website. Use lead generation forms to capture contact information from visitors who download your content or subscribe to your newsletter.

Email Marketing: If you have an existing email list, use it to nurture and generate new leads. Encourage referrals and incentivize existing customers to introduce you to potential leads.

Social Media Advertising: Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer advertising options that allow you to target specific demographics and industries. You can drive traffic to lead generation forms on your website.

Professional Associations: Joining industry-specific associations often provides access to member directories and networking opportunities.

Remember that the key to success in lead generation doesn’t end with only finding good sales leads. You’ve to regularly update and verify the contact information of your sales leads to maintain data accuracy and maximize your conversion rates.

Why is B2B contact data provider a better choice?

Choosing a B2B contact data provider offers several advantages for businesses compared to relying solely on in-house lead generation efforts. Here are some compelling reasons why a B2B contact data provider can be a better choice:

Data Accuracy: B2B contact data providers specialize in collecting, verifying, and updating contact information. They employ advanced tools and technologies to ensure data accuracy, reducing the chances of working with outdated or incorrect information. This accuracy is critical for effective lead generation and nurturing.

Time and Resource Efficiency: Acquiring and maintaining a high-quality contact database can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. B2B contact data providers streamline this process, allowing your sales and marketing teams to focus on what they do best—engaging with leads and converting them into customers.

Access to a Vast Database: B2B contact data providers typically have access to extensive databases containing millions of business contacts across various industries and geographies. This broad reach enables you to target a wide range of potential leads without the need for extensive research.

Targeted Sales Leads: These providers offer advanced filtering and segmentation options. You can specify your ideal customer profiles, selecting criteria such as industry, company size, job title, and geographic location. This precision targeting ensures that your outreach efforts are directed at the most relevant prospects.

Real-Time Updates: Some B2B contact data providers offer real-time data updates. This means you're always working with the most current information, reducing the likelihood of contacting leads who have changed jobs or companies.

Compliance with Regulations: Reputable B2B contact data providers adhere to data privacy and compliance regulations, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM. This helps you avoid legal issues related to unsolicited communications.

Cost-Effective: Building and maintaining an in-house database can be costly, requiring investments in software, personnel, and ongoing data verification efforts. B2B contact data providers offer cost-effective subscription plans, often with a lower total cost of ownership.

Focus on your Core Competencies: Outsourcing your contact data needs allows your team to focus on core competencies, such as lead nurturing, sales, and strategy development. You can leverage the expertise of the data provider while concentrating on growing your business.

Scalability: B2B contact data providers offer scalable solutions. As your business grows, you can easily expand your subscription to access more leads or refine your targeting criteria to meet changing needs.

Advanced Tools and Features: Many providers offer additional tools and features, such as AI-powered email writing, lead scoring, and analytics. These tools can enhance your lead generation and conversion efforts.

Risk Mitigation: Working with a reputable B2B contact data provider mitigates the risks associated with relying on unverified or unreliable data sources. This safeguards your brand's reputation and minimizes the potential for wasted resources.

A B2B contact data provider offers a more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective way to access high-quality sales leads. By partnering with a trusted provider, you can leverage data expertise, save time and resources, and focus on converting leads into satisfied customers.

What should you look for in a contact data provider?

When you're in the market for a contact data provider, there are a few key factors to consider. 

Data Accuracy: Data accuracy is paramount. Look for a provider that guarantees a high level of accuracy. The best providers use advanced technologies to verify and update contact information regularly, minimizing the risk of working with outdated or incorrect data.

Data Coverage: Ensure that the provider's database covers your target market adequately. It should include a wide range of industries, job titles, company sizes, and geographic locations to meet your specific needs. You should also look for very good mobile phone coverage.

Real-Time Updates: Real-time data updates are essential to maintaining data freshness. Check if the provider offers real-time or frequent updates to ensure you're working with the most current information.

AI-Powered Tools: Some providers offer AI-powered tools, such as an AI email writer or lead scoring. These tools can streamline your outreach efforts and improve your chances of conversion.

Data Segmentation: The ability to segment leads based on various criteria (industry, job role, location, etc.) is crucial. This segmentation capability allows you to target specific audience segments with precision.

Compliance with Regulations: Verify that the provider complies with data privacy and compliance regulations, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM. Ensure they follow best practices to protect both your business and the leads you engage with.

Data Verification and Cleaning: Understand the provider's data verification and cleaning processes. They should employ techniques to identify and eliminate inaccurate or irrelevant data from their database.

Customization and Targeting: Look for a provider that allows you to customize your lead searches and criteria. The ability to refine your targeting based on your ideal customer profiles is essential for effective lead generation.

Integration Capabilities: Check if the provider's data can seamlessly integrate with your existing CRM or marketing automation systems. Integration simplifies the lead management process and ensures data consistency.

Customer Support and Training: Assess the provider's customer support and training offerings. Reliable customer support can assist with any issues or questions that may arise during your usage of their services.

Pricing Transparency: Ensure that the provider offers clear and transparent pricing structures. Understand the pricing model, including any additional costs for accessing specific features or data segments.

Data Security: Data security is critical. The provider should have robust security measures in place to protect the data you access and ensure that it remains confidential.

Case Studies and References: Look for case studies or references from other businesses that have used the provider's services. Real-world examples can help you gauge the provider's effectiveness.

Scalability: Consider your future needs. Can the provider scale with your business as it grows? Ensure that you won't outgrow their capabilities.

Free Trials and Demos: If possible, take advantage of free trials or demos offered by the provider. This allows you to test their services and evaluate their suitability for your business.

Reputation and Reviews: Research the provider's reputation and read reviews from other users. Online reviews and testimonials can provide insights into the provider's strengths and weaknesses.

Why is Infotelligent the best?

Filter through 150M+ contact emails, 70M+ mobile numbers, 7.32M+ accounts, 7.1k+ intent topics and 51M+ technology installations to hone in on your ideal accounts and contact profiles

Infotelligent isn't just a contact data provider; it's a game-changer for sales and marketing teams. Here's why it outshines the competition:

Real-time verification: Infotelligent is the ONLY solution in the market offering real-time verification. It not only identifies invalid emails but also catches all those sneaky catchall emails, ensuring you're always working with the most up-to-date and accurate data.

Contact data accuracy: Infotelligent’s unique real-time contact data validation guarantees you an impressive 97% contact data accuracy. You can filter through 7.3M+ accounts and get access to 150M+ contacts.

Unmatched mobile phone coverage: With access to over 70M+ mobile phone numbers, Infotelligent gives you an edge in reaching prospects where they are most responsive. 

Buyer intent data: Infotelligent is the ONLY platform that gives you access to multiple buyer intent providers - Bombora and INFUSEmedia. You get unlimited access to 7K+ intent topics.

Technographic segmentation: You get unlimited access to 51M+ technology installations to hone in on your ideal accounts and contact profiles.

AI-powered tools: Infotelligent offers a suite of AI-powered tools, including an AI email writer, auto-dialer, automatic phone number rotation, and AI call coaching. These tools streamline your outreach and boost your chances of success.

Affordable pricing: Infotelligent's price plans start at just $129 per month, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Good sales leads are the lifeblood of your revenue stream. However, not all leads are created equal. To unlock your revenue kingdom, prioritize accuracy and quality in your leads, and consider a partner like Infotelligent. 

With real-time verification, extensive mobile phone coverage, and a suite of AI-powered tools, it's your ticket to sales and marketing success. Don't let inaccurate data hold you back; reignite your revenue engine with Infotelligent today!

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