Improving Data Accuracy for a Functional ABM/ABS Alignment

Learn how improving data accuracy helps in optimizing your ABM strategy.

The most lucrative account-based strategy is evident: organizations find great value in aligning the interrelated processes of account-based marketing (ABM) and account-based selling (ABS).

ABM is, after all, highly effective when “there is a seamless [account] handoff from marketing to sales.”

But what exactly happens when sales and marketing teams function interdependently around a single revenue cycle? There is a common belief that undivided sales and marketing departments dramatically improve:

  • Marketing ROI
  • Sales productivity
  • Top-line growth

And yet, the path towards a unified ABM/ABS strategy is not without obstacles.

Inevitably, building—and most importantly, sustaining—ABM/ABS alignment gets idled when data isn’t accurate.

Trying to grow ties between sales and marketing through inaccurate data will eventually enfeeble any organization’s financial performance. This claim is bolstered by Gartner: poor data quality is responsible for an average of $15 million per year in losses.

The solution, however, is simple: high-impact risks can be effectively mitigated when ABM/ABS initiatives are fueled by complete, timely, and accurate information about your most coveted target accounts.

According to SiriusDecisions, the goal of functional ABM/ABS alignments is to ensure that sales and marketing have a common view of:

  • The roles and responsibilities for defining achievable goals, finding the best-fit accounts, and gathering information about each identified contact.
  • The engagement plans that will be mapped to the specific needs of each individual account.

As a result, data not only sets the stage for a successful ABM/ABS alignment initiative. It also allows you to stay the course and regularly optimize your strategy for continuous—and sustainable—growth.

It’s important to remember that your ABM/ABS alignment program is only as valuable as the data that underpins it.

When sales and marketing work in tandem, they must rely on accurate B2B data to put together a high-impact campaign and:

  • Assess the account’s readiness to purchase
  • Segment the target account list
  • Hyper-personalize each account experience
  • Measure the campaign’s progress
  • Take preventive action when needed

The mismatch between ABM/ABS initiatives can be eliminated when both programs are informed by the right data—at all times. And it’s in your best interest to remove functional silos. Together, sales and marketing will seamlessly orchestrate high-yield campaigns and generate substantial revenue.

What else? What are some of your thoughts on achieving ABM/ABS alignment by enriching data accuracy?

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