How Strategic Outbound Powers Up Your ABM Strategy

Leverage strategic outbound tactics and supercharge your ABM strategy for remarkable results.

Recent research shows that account-based marketing (ABM) can drive greater ROI than traditional marketing initiatives. However, these strategies are not mutually exclusive.

For instance, outbound marketing is often seen as encompassing nothing but inefficient and unfocused outreach. Despite its bad reputation, this method can help you increase your sales—if done strategically and in combination with ABM.

With strategic Outbound, you can harness the necessary ingredients for building an efficient ABM strategy. Since the latter requires converting high-value accounts into customers, casting Outbound’s broad net can be the first step toward identifying those prospects that are ready to be pushed further down the buying cycle.

Without further ado, let’s examine the three ways in which Outbound can help you maximize your ABM outcomes.

Harnessing Data. Account Profiling

You can take advantage of Outbound’s straightforward way to approach a myriad of leads and gain insights into their behavior, preferences, and roles in the decision-making process. The information you gather about their needs, expectations, and issues will be the foundation of your future ABM endeavors.

Aligning Your Sales & Marketing

With the collected data, the sales department can identify the accounts worth investing time and resources in. They will also be able to single out the decision-makers and influencers calling the shots when it comes to the buying process.

After that, the marketing department can start planning future interactions and communications with the most relevant people.

This process will eliminate the disparity between the two offices—which is crucial for getting the most out of your ABM strategy, as Marketo explains.

Turning Customers into Brand Advocates

As opposed to traditional marketing, ABM focuses on building meaningful relationships rather than converting as many prospects as possible into customers.

Yet, according to Rebecca Matias, the VP of Sales & Marketing at Callbox, these connections need nurturing and engagement, not broad touches.

Outbound channels can help you keep your potential clients engaged while also building authentic relationships through one-on-one interactions.

In a nutshell, Outbound is vital for successfully scaling your ABM efforts as it can help you better coordinate both your sales and marketing departments. Moreover, this strategic combination proves to yield better results compared to using each method on its own.

What’s your opinion on combining ABM and Outbound?

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