How Bad Contact Information Affects SDR Efficiency

Accurate data helps SDRs boost their performance and crush sales goals.

The efficiency of Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) hinges directly on the quality of their data.

A few bits of misleading contact information can instantly stop your sales progress in its tracks. SDRs can’t target your most vetted prospects and qualify high-value leads if they’re relying on faulty information.

Low-quality data will generate low-value leads.

Without having access to complete, accurate, and timely information, SDRs can’t correctly qualify prospects and route leads to closers. They will inevitably end up with invalid, duplicate, or unstandardized leads—all that require more time, manual effort, and/or monetary costs to become actionable.

The Problem with Bad Contact Information

SDRs aim to build a seamless, highly efficient, and long-term revenue machine. And yet, any prospecting or lead qualification process may fall into a yearslong downward slide when it’s impaired by erroneous contact information that results from duplicate files, incomplete entries, or decayed data.

Maybe your data is not synced across platforms correctly or you’re unable to filter out inadequate information on time. In any case, inaccurate contact information tilts SDR efficiency in the wrong direction as it can mislead decision-making, hinder conversion rates, and ultimately, undermine your sales investment.

The reputational damage can also be particularly significant. Now that hyper-personalization has become a standard, using irrelevant contact information to engage a prospect can quickly diminish your credibility and prevent you from hitting your revenue goals.

That is, of course, if you actually manage to get in front of a potential buyer at all.

Imagine honing in on a high-value prospect only to realize that the contact details aren’t valid. By the time you’ll fill in the gaps, more money will be left on the table—possibly 10-30% more off the top for every sales call you make.

This Is Where Your Data Vendor Plays Its Part

A data provider is the partner SDRs need to consistently augment their database with precise, compelling, and easily accessible information about key prospects. When SDRs rely on a vendor that stands by its contact data accuracy, they will have high-quality information at hand to:

  • Minimize the time spent on lead processing and prospecting
  • Focus exclusively on the prospects that matter

Is it time to improve your sales performance? Start by enriching the quality of your contact data.

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We are a leading “Sales Intelligence” SaaS platform for the world’s most successful sales and marketing teams.

Infotelligent’s mission is to give you accurate contact information about your ideal customers with buying intent insights to help you grow your sales faster. Our platform provides accurate and comprehensive information on your target customers. This enables you to reduce your sales cycles, increase your win rates, and grow your sales.

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